Dig­i­tal registration 

Give guests an easier way to arrive

With automated messages and streamlined check-ins through digital registration and e‑signatures, you’ll enable staff to focus on important guest-related tasks.


Signed and sealed from any app

Send doc­u­ments and col­lect sig­na­tures elec­tron­i­cal­ly. Guests can receive eSig­na­ture requests through any chan­nel (e.g. SMS, Email, etc.)


Safe and secure check-ins

Upload your doc­u­ments in the eSig­na­tures sec­tion, set the fields to auto pop­u­late with reser­va­tion data.

Full digital
check-in solution

With this fea­ture, it’s sim­pler than ever to have guests sign a doc­u­ment and for staff to col­lect pho­tos, attach­ments, and addi­tion­al infor­ma­tion need­ed for check-in.

Covid Release Waiv­er | Reg­is­tra­tion Card |  Unit & Activ­i­ty Rental Agree­ments | Pet Pol­i­cy & Agreements

Customized guest portal

Cus­tomize your guest reg­is­tra­tion with your hotel brand­ing and your guests will receive an email or SMS text with a link.


The link directs them to where they can sign your doc­u­ment or agree­ment in seconds.

Get the details on digital registration

After cre­at­ing and send­ing a doc­u­ment for sign­ing, your staff is noti­fied when the guest has viewed and accept­ed the document.

Guest reg­is­tra­tion his­to­ry will be eas­i­ly acces­si­ble in a PDF by admin.

But wait, there’s more…

Chatbot & Automations

Use arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence chat­bot that is designed to be per­son­al­ized and dri­ve more book­ings and enhance the guest experience. 

Marketing & Upsell

Cre­ate per­son­al­ized cam­paigns that tar­get guests with room upgrades, spa ser­vices, on-prop­er­ty restau­rants, room ser­vice and more.


Break through the lan­guage bar­ri­ers and cre­ate strong com­mu­ni­ca­tion with guests via real-time trans­la­tions in over 100 languages. 

SMS & Messaging Apps

Text guests through their pre­ferred mes­sag­ing app like Face­book Mes­sen­ger, What­sApp, WeChat, Viber, SMS and more. 

Team Messaging

Group and team mes­sages to help staff stay on-task while staff train­ing and sup­port ensures every­one’s success.

TripAdvisor Reviews

Send auto­mat­ed requests for guest sur­veys and Tri­pAd­vi­sor reviews to boost your hotel’s online reputation. 

Tasks, Checklists & Inspections

Auto­mat­i­cal­ly send ser­vice requests/work orders. Eas­i­ly set recur­ring tasks from dai­ly, week­ly, month­ly, and quarterly.

Analytics & Insights

Keep a close eye on hotel com­mu­ni­ca­tions and look for oppor­tu­ni­ties to increase effi­cien­cy and improve service.