
Integrate Whistle with HotSOS

Integrate Whistle with HotSOS hotels can standardized orders and communicate between departments without having to pick up a phone.

Go beyond the walkie-talkie, seam­less­ly dis­patch tasks and cor­rect issues instantly. 

Christo­pher Hov­aness­ian, Co-founder of Whistle 

By using the Whis­tle with Hot­SOS inte­gra­tion, your hotel can make sure that every type of request the hotel gets can be handled.

Ensure every­one on staff is in the loop and the right per­son is dispatched. 

Get much more than
a messaging tool

Whis­tle suc­cess­ful­ly applies prin­ci­ples we deeply care about at Ama­zon: to con­tin­u­ous­ly evolve a solu­tion by learn­ing from and lis­ten­ing to cus­tomers. Whistle’s core offer­ing, like mes­sag­ing, lever­ages the AWS cloud to be able to dri­ve inno­va­tion and do it fast.

Florian Tinnus

Glob­al Head of Part­ners Trav­el and Hos­pi­tal­i­ty @ Ama­zon Web Services

Con­tact­less Cus­tomer Com­mu­ni­ca­tion. Con­nect to guests before dur­ing and after their stay. Con­tact­less expe­ri­ence which is need­ed in this world we live in today.


Gina McKee

VP Enter­prise SaaS Sales @ Cloudbeds