2022 Top Guest Messaging Software

Whistle Wins Best Guest Messaging Software 2022

We’re excit­ed to announce that Whis­tle Mes­sag­ing Inc. has ranked #1 for the fifth con­sec­u­tive year in the 2022 HotelTechAwards. 

Whistle ranked #1 for the fifth consecutive year 

Whis­tle has been named 2022’s #1 Guest Mes­sag­ing Soft­ware by Hotel Tech Report.

Each year Hotel­TechRe­port chal­lenges its glob­al hote­lier com­mu­ni­ty to review their favorite prod­ucts to make hotel soft­ware research easy and reliable.

They are pro­duced by Hotel Tech Report, the lead­ing author­i­ty on hotel soft­ware and dig­i­tal trans­for­ma­tion in the hotel industry.

“This isn’t a sub­jec­tive list based on a few peo­ples’ opin­ions,” explains Hotel Tech Report CEO, Jor­dan Hol­lan­der. “With the high­est traf­fic and engage­ment, largest selec­tion of prod­uct and ser­vices, and high­est qual­i­ty data, Hotel Tech Report ana­lyzes more than 100,000 data points to deter­mine the best prod­ucts in the market.

Jordan Hollander

Hotel Tech Report CEO

Ranking the world’s best hotel software companies

With over 2,232 soft­ware com­pa­nies on Hotel Tech Report, Whis­tle Mes­sag­ing Inc. is hon­ored to be rec­og­nized in the com­pet­i­tive Guest Mes­sag­ing Soft­ware cat­e­go­ry for 2022.

This con­tin­ued recog­ni­tion from Hotel­TechRe­port and the Hotel­TechAwards val­i­dates the work we’re doing at Whis­tle, which is to give hote­liers a unique, easy-to-use plat­form that sim­pli­fies and stream­lines the way they com­mu­ni­cate with guests. Our clients often report to us that Whis­tle is the rea­son they’ve increased rev­enue by 100%, have hap­pi­er guests, and can oper­ate at an unprece­dent­ed pace. 

Christover Hovanessian

Cofounder of Whistle


Hoteliers have spoken


My staff loves Whis­tle. I’m at cor­po­rate lev­el so I don’t know as much as they would but I do know that Whis­tle is amaz­ing. When­ev­er we’ve asked if they could do some­thing, they fig­ure it out. 10/10 all the way.


My staff loves Whis­tle. I’m at cor­po­rate lev­el so I don’t know as much as they would but I do know that Whis­tle is amaz­ing. When­ev­er we’ve asked if they could do some­thing, they fig­ure it out. 10/10 all the way.


Our guests love that they can text our Guest Ser­vices agents instead of hav­ing to leave their room or call. Mes­sag­ing has become the way of the world and we are hap­py to be tak­ing part in the grow­ing field of tech­nol­o­gy communication.


Whis­tle has made our guest com­mu­ni­ca­tion in the Covid era, where so much more of our com­mu­ni­ca­tion is remote, work seamlessly!


We had Whis­tle pri­or to Covid 19 but now it sat­is­fies our guests even more!!


Run­ning a Bed and Break­fast can be a 24/7 job. Whis­tle text mes­sag­ing sys­tem sure makes it a lot eas­i­er and our guests love it❣️ A win for us and a win for our clients.