Tri­pAd­vi­sor® & Sur­vey feature

Stand out with
higher scores

Collect more TripAdvisor reviews and boost your hotel’s online reputation with Whistle. 

“The sur­vey fea­ture has been super use­ful in this crazy world that we are in. We are able to use the feed­back from the sur­vey tool to bet­ter our service.” 

— Hol­i­day Inn Express Kingsland 

Better reviews & better results

Whis­tle con­duct­ed an inter­nal case study among Unit­ed States based hotels who are using Whis­tle to request and col­lect Tri­pAd­vi­sor reviews from guests. The results: click-through rates as high as 76% and 21% of guests who clicked-through left a review for the hotel. 

More than a review, it’s your reputation

The sur­vey fea­ture allows you to send a text to your guests in the form of a ques­tion where it tracks their response. With Whis­tle, your hotel can lever­age mes­sag­ing as a high­ly effec­tive means to review collection.

Automated and authenticated

Guests don’t need to sign in or go through any addi­tion­al steps, they sim­ply leave your hotel a review, and your team is noti­fied right away. Reviews are auto-authen­ti­cat­ed and you con­trol when the review mes­sage is sent out.

But wait, there’s more…

Chatbot & Automations

Use arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence chat­bot that is designed to be per­son­al­ized and dri­ve more book­ings and enhance the guest experience. 

Marketing & Upsell

Cre­ate per­son­al­ized cam­paigns that tar­get guests with room upgrades, spa ser­vices, on-prop­er­ty restau­rants, room ser­vice and more.

Digital Registration

It’s now sim­pler than ever to have guests sign a doc­u­ment and for staff to col­lect pho­tos, attach­ments, and addi­tion­al infor­ma­tion need­ed for check-in.

Tasks, Checklists & Inspections

Auto­mat­i­cal­ly send ser­vice requests/work orders. Eas­i­ly set recur­ring tasks from dai­ly, week­ly, month­ly, and quarterly.

Team Messaging

Group and team mes­sages to help staff stay on-task while staff train­ing and sup­port ensures every­one’s success.

SMS & Messaging Apps

Text guests through their pre­ferred mes­sag­ing app like Face­book Mes­sen­ger, What­sApp, WeChat, Viber, SMS and more. 


Break through the lan­guage bar­ri­ers and cre­ate strong com­mu­ni­ca­tion with guests via real-time trans­la­tions in over 100 languages. 

Analytics & Insights

Keep a close eye on hotel com­mu­ni­ca­tions and look for oppor­tu­ni­ties to increase effi­cien­cy and improve service.