March 15 2021

See how a Choice Hotels’ hotelier is streamlining operations with Whistle

C&L Hos­pi­tal­i­ty is an award-win­ning hotel man­age­ment com­pa­ny with a grow­ing port­fo­lio of man­aged hotels. They began using Whis­tle to help in the com­mu­ni­ca­tion and man­age­ment of their five (5) Sub­ur­ban and Main­Stay hotels and found unpar­al­leled success. 

“No doubt we need­ed Whistle.” 

CEO of EXCL Hospitality 

Integrating was seamless and so easy

Since Whis­tle instant­ly syncs with Sky­Touch PMS, the prop­er­ty’s staff is now able to see guest reser­va­tions and infor­ma­tion along­side every message.



With this imme­di­ate access to guests, these prop­er­ties have found a mul­ti­tude of ben­e­fits, such as the “unhap­py guest detec­tion” fea­ture. Before there was no way to know whether a guest had an issue, but now, staff receives an alert on their phone with­in sec­onds. So whether it’s a bro­ken cof­fee mak­er or an issue with the room, the staff can imme­di­ate­ly rem­e­dy it with­in min­utes. Even bet­ter, the guest is unlike­ly to post a neg­a­tive review because it was han­dled while on-property.


Anoth­er ben­e­fit man­age­ment dis­cov­ered was when one of their staff mem­bers had to be quar­an­tined and was still able to man­age the hotel. with­out hav­ing to be on-property—all through Whistle!

60 min
response time on average
guests reached with­in 1 minute of sent text
0 %
aver­age NPS score

Safer and faster responses

For their guests, instead of leav­ing papers under their door—which was time-con­sum­ing and unsafe dur­ing the pandemic—staff now direct­ly texts hotel infor­ma­tion in sec­onds and with­out being intrusive.


For staff, the prop­er­ty pro­vid­ed tablets to make it even eas­i­er to com­mu­ni­cate. Now, if a house­keep­er finds issues with a room, they can now cre­ate work orders that direct­ly go to the main­te­nance engineer.

Before we would have to hear what was hap­pen­ing on the radio. 

CEO of EXCL Hospitality 

Preventive maintenance tasks

With the recent release of Whistle’s pre­ven­tive main­te­nance fea­ture, man­age­ment can now set recur­ring tasks for each build­ing from day and time to type (check­lists and inspec­tions). Ulti­mate­ly sav­ing time but more impor­tant­ly keep­ing staff safe in a COVID-19 world.

“Whis­tle is much more than a mar­ket­ing tool, it offers the oper­a­tional sup­port through team mes­sag­ing and tasks which has been HUGE for us.” 

CEO of EXCL Hospitality 

Case studies

Dis­cov­er more suc­cess sto­ries from fel­low hoteliers. 

Try Whistle for free & see
how it’s right for your hotel

There’s no com­mit­ment, pres­sure or oblig­a­tion.