Case study

Whistle & Hermann Hill

Her­mann Hill Vine­yard Inn and Spa need­ed an effec­tive way to con­tin­ue sell­ing their prod­ucts and ser­vices to guests.

Making upsell effortless

Hote­liers don’t want guests to go to the spa to book an appoint­ment phys­i­cal­ly, they don’t want to pro­vide phys­i­cal menus, and they def­i­nite­ly don’t want to tie up phone lines with an abun­dance of inquiries.


Her­mann Hill Vine­yard Inn and Spa need­ed an effec­tive way to con­tin­ue sell­ing their prod­ucts and ser­vices to guests, whether it was their renowned couple’s mas­sage pack­age or oth­er amenities.

$ 1

in addi­tion­al rev­enue in three months

$ 1

in rev­enue per month

40 hrs

of admin­is­tra­tion with a server­less storefront


Her­mann Hill Vine­yard Inn and Spa is a lux­u­ry get­away in Her­mann, MO unlike any oth­er lodg­ing expe­ri­ence. With 20 pre­mi­um suites and cot­tages, this prop­er­ty is com­plete with high-end ameni­ties, guar­an­tee­ing your stay will be the favorite Her­mann lodg­ing experience. 

At a time when social dis­tanc­ing is required around the world, hotels need a way to pro­vide a lev­el of hos­pi­tal­i­ty the and their guests were once used to.

Reduc­ing con­tact between guests and staff is para­mount to the safe­ty of every­one, but it doesn’t have to mean sac­ri­fic­ing the guest experience.


Whistle’s Upsell mod­ule makes it easy for a hotel to share all of their prod­ucts and ser­vices dig­i­tal­ly and adds con­ve­nience for guests to make pur­chas­es — all direct­ly from their smartphone. 

Her­mann Hill Vine­yard Inn and Spa is able to man­age its online mar­ket, and share its store­front with guests through messaging.

Using AWS Lamb­da, Whis­tle can run code and serve the Upsell store­front to guests with­out pro­vi­sion­ing or man­ag­ing servers. 

AWS Lamb­da allows you to run code for vir­tu­al­ly any type of appli­ca­tion or back­end ser­vice — all with zero admin­is­tra­tion. Whis­tle is able to pro­vide a serv­er-less store­front now to all of its cus­tomers and their guests.

More revenue
less hassle

Across three months, dur­ing the ini­tial roll­out, Her­mann Hill Vine­yard Inn and Spa gen­er­at­ed near­ly $5,000 in addi­tion­al rev­enue through Whis­tle, aver­ag­ing out to over $1,500 per month.

The prop­er­ty sold all types of goods and ser­vices, rang­ing from couple’s mas­sages,  food & bev­er­age, to late check­outs and more—all through a con­tact­less method.

Real success

Read more sto­ries from hote­liers that choose Whis­tle and found real success.

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